Moreover, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions Mr. Zivko Mitrevski stated that it’s very important that we are signing a collective agreement during a financial crisis, which is also present in our country. Therewith , somehow we are expressing our targets, which of course are terms and criteria of the Labour relations.
On the event that took place yesterday, there was also the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mr. Spiro Ristovski. He pointed out that with the signing of this collective agreement and having no mediator, we can confirm the validity of the social dialogue in Macedonia. When we talk about labour relation regulation ,the government will always be at your service. I can only compliment on Employers and Trade Unions’ agreement signing , during the financial crisis, because this does not happen very often at our neighbors- said the Minister Ristovski.
On the Employers’ request , who have worked on a draft-amendments of the existing general collective agreement over the last two years , Agreement for starting negotiations and Amendment of the General Collective Agreement for the Private Sector, both have been signed. Therefore , the social partners determined the deadline of the proposed amendments negotiation to one year.