On the meeting of the Economic and social council, where the members of the Organization of employers of Macedonia: Angel Dimitrov, Nikolina Milanova, Darko Petrovski and VLado Gjorgievski were present .as well as representatives from the Federation of trade unions, Confederation of trade unions, representatives from the Ministries in accordance with the agenda of the meeting on which the proposed changes have been discussed in the Labour Code of the following areas: – Expired terms for dismissal of personal reasons – amendments regarding the usage of additional 3 months required by the woman as an employee with maternity leave Regarding the proposal with the amendment of Aticle 94, paragraph 1 from the Labor Code about the termination of the employment contract of personal reasons that has expired, ( the employer can dismiss the employee in a period of 3 months from the day that the facts were introduced, i.e. in period of 6 months from the day of the beginning of the procedure), the members of ESC concluded that The Ministry of Labor and social policy should react by amendment,. Instead of changing the paragraph 1 from article 94, new paragraph should be proposed (paragraph 2) In which terms for expired cases will be defined because of the employee’s guilt, and the facts should be introduced no longer than 6 months, i.e. 18 months of the introduction day. The proposal for amendment of the Labour Code – after termination of the absence because of maternity leave, a birth of a child and parenthood, the employee has the right to take unpaid parenthood leave no longer than 3 months to the period when the child will turn 3 years because of child care. The proposal of the employers is to predefine the unpaid leave of 3 months which the employee can use it in 3 intervals in the period when the child will turn 3 because of child care.
декември 28, 2021