The Textile Industry Association of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia (ORM), together with the Textile Cluster as a member of the ORM, even with the amendments to the Law on Minimum Wage, offer solutions for the survival of labor-intensive branches such as the textile and leather industry. a meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev was also mentioned and the measure “Freezing of the contributions” was accepted by us. Unfortunately, the financial assistance provided by the Government for the payment of the minimum wage did not give the expected effects, and therefore the measure “Freezing of contributions” could be a solution for a longer period that would allow increase in the net wages of the workers in these sectors so that they can keep the level with the salaries of the other sectors. Because this measure will not require some additional budget funds, we hope that the Government will soon convene a meeting on which we will define the measure more precisely and start with implementation of the mesure as soon as possible.
декември 28, 2021