Start the implementation of the- Promotion of social dialogue project- funded by the EU and implemented by the ILO

Start the implementation of the- Promotion of social dialogue project- funded by the EU and implemented by the ILO

Start the  implementation of the- Promotion of social dialogue project-  funded by the EU and implemented by the ILO
декември 28, 2021

Regarding the  project Promoting social dialogue funded by the EU and implemented by the ILO, on 29 and 30 of January  2015  a workshop was organized for the preparation of a new strategy of the Organization of employers of Macedonia (ORM), as the first part of the project activities. The workshop was conducted by Alexander Krzalovski MCIC as a home expert and Dragan Radic from ILO as an external expert. The workshop was attended by representatives of 22 companies which are members of the Organization of employers of Macedonia.
The first day of the workshop the participants made a  problem analysis and analysis of key issues and dilemmas in the current implementation of the strategy of ORM . After that they  revised vision and mission defined and established values, scrutinize the external environment and also defined cyclical actors and partners.
The second day prepare SWOT analyses  of priorities and define future activities. So they   successfully verified  objectives, activities and indicators of impact to define the necessary measures and actions to strengthen the capacity of the Organization of employers of Macedonia (ORM) .