декември 28, 2021

Convention on Organization of Rural Workers
Convention on labor statistics
The Night Work Convention

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Retrieved from MLSP
It is my honor and pleasure to inform you that at the XXX plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, held on January 15, 2018, the Law on Ratification of the Convention on Organization of Rural Workers, 1975 (C 141), the Law on Ratification of Convention on Labor Statistics, 1985 (C 160) and the Law on Ratification of the Convention on Night Work, 1990 (C 171).
  With the ratification of the Convention on Rural Workers’ Organizations, 1975 (C 141), all categories of rural workers, whether employed for a salary or self-employed, have the right to establish or engage in organizations for the protection of their rights, of their choice and without prior authorization. In doing so, the principle of freedom of association will be fully respected and the organizations of rural workers will be independent and volunteer in character and free of all obstacles, coercion and repression.
 Convention on Labor Statistics, 1985 (C 160) provides for the obligation to keep labor statistics concerning economically active population, employment, unemployment, where relevant, and where possible, visible unemployment; structure and distribution of the economically active population, average income and working hours (hours of work or hours for which they are paid), time wage rates and normal working hours; structure and distribution of salaries; labor costs; consumer price index; household expenses, or, where appropriate, family expenses, and, wherever possible, household income, or, where appropriate, family income; injuries to work, and, as far as possible, occupational diseases and industrial disputes. In doing so, the methodology will be used in accordance with the latest standards and guidelines established by the International Labor Organization, which means that with this water statistics the Republic of Macedonia will have relevant and comparable data necessary for monitoring the changes and conditions in the field of labor.
The Law on Ratification of the Convention on Night Work, 1990 (С 171), regulates the work at night and applies to all employed persons, except those employed in agriculture, cattle, fishery, maritime transport and inland waterway shipping. This convention also regulates the work of women at night, with the convention containing provisions aimed at protecting motherhood. The convention eliminates all restrictions on women’s night work (except for those aimed at protecting the female role for reproductive and neonatal care). This improves the women’s employment opportunities, that is, allows women to have a choice, whether they will work at night or not. At the same time, with the ratification of this convention, the guiding principle of gender equality will be strengthened and thus the limitation of the freedom of choice of the worker on working time will be removed, solely on the grounds of gender. As with any convention, in the course of ratification, in consultation with the social partners, it can be foreseen the exclusion of certain categories of workers from the scope of the convention.
The conventions, with the ratification, become part of the internal legal order of the Republic of Macedonia, and they will enter into force within one year of the delivery of the instruments of ratification to the Director General of the International Labor Organization. They will also cause appropriate changes in the legislation, with broad involvement of the social partners as active stakeholders in the creation and improvement of the labor standards of the Republic of Macedonia.
                      With respect,

                                                                                           Mila Carovska

Prepared by: Maja Papatolevska
Approved by: Mirjanka Aleksevska
I agree: Mile Stojanovski