Mr.Emil Krstanovski, National Coordinator of the International Labour Organization( ILO) Macedonia, organized a two-day workshop on topic- Policies for maternity protection and parental leave (including mother and father) in Skopje. The initiative on this topic was posted by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mr. Dime Spasov, so that he had an introduction speech.
The participants of the workshop for the first time addressed the new Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe,Mr. Antonio Graciozi and the experts Sofia Amaral de Oliveira, an expert on gender equality by the ILO Budapest and Laura Adam led a workshop .They were present the ILO report on this topic and also the connection between working and family in order to improve the policy support and raise awareness for the protection of mothers at the workplace.
The workshop was attended by Ms. Belinda Nikolovska ,executive director of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia (ORM )together with three representatives of employers.
At the few sessions within the workshop were discussed global trends and practices regarding the protection of maternity and parental leave, international labor standards, labor law and collective bargaining relationships, and practical application in Macedonia. Ms. Neda Korunovska independent consultant presented a national study of motherhood and fatherhood in the workplace in Macedonia, whose preparation participated ORM.
Also there were presented a good practices and experiences by the three partners, representatives of employers, trade unions and government in order to develop an action plan to raise awareness about motherhood and found recommendations for further improvement of legislation and collective agreements in this area.
декември 28, 2021