Genève, 103rd Assembly of the Annual Conference of the International Labor Organization

Genève, 103rd Assembly of the Annual Conference of the International Labor Organization

Genève, 103rd Assembly of the Annual Conference of the International Labor Organization
декември 28, 2021


The new protocol is an addition to the existing ILO Convention on forced labor, no. 29, passed in 1930, the modern problem solving, including the trafficking. The accompanying recommendation provides technical guidance for its implementation.

Protocol strengthens the international legal framework by creating new obligations to prevent forced labor, protect victims and provide access to remedy and compensation for material and physical damage.

The governments also been asked to take steps to better protect workers, especially migrant workers was highlighted the role of employers and workers in the fight against forced labor.

The committee members stressed the huge role that the Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labor Convention, 1957 (No. 105), but concluded that gaps in implementation call for additional measures.