The president of FTU Zivko Mitrevski pointed out that after the signing of the agreement thus OEM and FTU showed that even in a bad conditions, regarding the liability and responsibility they have managed to realize their program goals and obligations which haven’t been cleared for a long time.
So far, the amount of regress was determined with collective agreement on a branch level and unlike this the only right has remained as a right prescribed in the General Collective agreement .
Besides the determination of the regress for annual leave, with the amendment of the General Collective agreement a provision for prevention of each kind of mobbing is been prescribed and that the presenter of safety and health is going to be chosen by its employees on a meeting of the trade unions on a proposal by the Trade Union.
In the General Collective Agreement there is a possibility a lower level of regress on a level of profession than the one in the General collective agreement to be confirmed.
The general collective agreement will be valid from the beginning of 2014 and it will last for 2 years.