In the organization of the #ILO (International Labor Organization), in the period from 10-13.09.2024 in Belgrade, a workshop was held on the topic: “Climate action, green jobs and a fair transition”, in which two representatives of OEM took part : Dr. Orde Gjorgjioski, director of legal and general affairs of “Vitaminka” AD Prilep (OEM member) and Maja Shterjovski, HR manager at MTel Skopje (OEM member).
The aim of this workshop was to understand the key processes related to climate change at the national level, with a focus on the implementation of the process of fair transition and dignified work. Special emphasis was placed on the need to integrate fair transition and social dialogue in the upcoming review of nationally determined contributions and in potential next steps.
It was of essential importance to turn attention to green jobs that should contribute to mitigate the impact of the possible loss of jobs that are related to non-environmental activities or services that deviate from the commitments established in the national strategies. The previously mentioned is a result of the commitments undertaken at global level, with the achievement of the Paris Agreement on climate change from 2015, whose main goal is to limit global warming to 1.5 °C by the end of this century. To limit global warming to 1.5°C, greenhouse gas emissions must peak no later than 2025 and fall by 43% by 2030. It is estimated that around 1.2 billion jobs are at risk worldwide, but the ILO (International Labor Organization) focuses on the positive aspects and opportunities for social inclusion that will arise as an implication of the climate transition such as: 78 million new jobs in the circular economy , 75 million jobs in areas related to nature-based solutions, 18 million jobs by 2030 related to the energy transition, etc.
The workshop was also attended by representatives from the Republic of Serbia, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Macedonian delegation consisted, in addition to representatives from OEM, representatives from the Ministry of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Economy and Labor, as well as from the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia.