On 29.07.2024, in the premises of the Economic and Social Council, the President of ORM Vladanka Trajkoska held a working meeting with the Director of the International Labor Organization for Central and Eastern Europe Claire Harasti, which was attended by Svetlana Ristovska Antic – Executive Director of ORM, Emil Krstanovski – National Coordinator of the ILO and Natasha Simjanoska from the ILO office.
At this meeting, President Trajkoska highlighted the challenges and priorities of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia, referring to the labor shortage, collective agreements, the minimum wage, productivity, Sunday as a day for weekly rest, amendments to the Law on Labor Relations and other laws in the labor sphere stressing that she expects the tripartite social dialogue to take place institutionally through the Economic and Social Council and that the employers’ proposals will be considered with due attention by the competent institutions.
It was also discussed about building the employers’ capacities for collective bargaining with the support of the ILO.
The director of the ILO, Claire Harasti, emphasized the readiness of the ILO for further support of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia from the aspect of strengthening its capacities, development of new services, and from the aspect of technical support in the dialogue with the Government on labor laws.