The Organization of Employers of Macedonia – OEM together with the experts from the employment agency and CESOR with support of the COCURT project have realized trainings for unemployed persons integration for job seeking in cooperation with the Regional development agency of Bratislava. The trainings were performed because of the high rate of unemployment on the labor market regarding the unemployed.
The trainings were performed in accordance with the program created with the help from the Kaba institute, Slovakia that has long-term positive experience for applying a Switzerland’s’ module of working for the unemployed of every category including the youth who are still educating themselves and they need professional orientation and career guidance. The trainers were from Skopje, Bitola, Stip Strumica and Veles and they held three day training and 5 day consulting study tour in Slovakia for introduction of the methods in this area previously applied in Slovakia.
The trainings were held in Skopje, Veles, Stip, Bitola and Strumica . They started on the 5th of June and lasted for 3 days with around 60 participants. In accordance with the evaluations that came from the 4 trainings, we got really positive results and big interest was shown. This type of training for unemployed persons will help them to easier integrate on the Labour market in accordance with the employers’ necessities.