Panel discussion in Macedonia on Social dialogue and the modernization of labour market

Panel discussion in Macedonia on Social dialogue and the modernization of labour market

Panel discussion in Macedonia on Social dialogue and the modernization of labour market
декември 28, 2021


The director of the Employment Agency Center , Vlatko Popovski has introduced the other participants with the modernization of EA . The Service for online connection between the agency , the occupational safety and health administration office and the funds. Also it was pointed out that the season employees should have the same rights as the others .

The president of Federation of Trade Unions Zivko Mitrevski , said that now when we are coping with a financial crisis the Trade Unions and the Employers should create autonomous negotiation sphere that will outcome with final solutions and mutual policies of the governmental legislation.

The final words and the conclusion were made by the president of the Association of agronomy and food processing industry and retail in OEM , Vlatko Gjorgievski . He explained that the issues refers to the social dialogue in the agronomy sector and the retail sector . However , he also mentioned that the Trade Unions and the Employers must collaborate in order to coordinate the issues. In terms of lack of food on the global market , there is an opportunity for increasing the agronomy in our country because we are capable to produce a large amount of food, not for our personal needs , but in order to enlarge the export they must strengthened the food subsiding and to stimulate the stockbreeding as well as the processing agronomy products.