Organization of Employers of Macedonia became a member of the International Organization of Employers

Organization of Employers of Macedonia became a member of the International Organization of Employers

Organization of Employers of Macedonia became a member of the International Organization of Employers
декември 28, 2021

On 18/19 March 2016 the Management Board of the International Organization of Employers (IOE) considered the Organization of Employers of Macedonia (ORM)request for joining the family of employers worldwide for the next three years.The name of IOE wished us long successful cooperation in strengthening the capacities of OEM and jointly promote the interests of employers internationally.
Greetings from the Board of OEM, the meeting held on April 28, 2016
Angel Dimitrov

See below We attach the latest reports from the IOE, downloaded in original English

2 May 2016

2016 ILC Don’t miss the IOE webinar to prepare the upcoming supply chain discussion!

There’s still time to register for the IOE’s webinar on 13 May (15:00 – 16:30 CET) to continue preparation for the upcoming supply chain discussion.

You can do all of the following via the links in the side panel:
• Register now, and by 9 May at the latest, with Ms Dalia Farag
• View the Agenda
• Get a round-up of all the material the IOE has prepared to date for this discussion
• If you have any questions, please contact Matthias Thorns, Senior Adviser

The Webinar will be conducted in English only.

2 May 2016

The 3rd IOE European Business & Human Rights Conference took place in London on 27 April. This year’s event was co-organised by the IOE and EVERSHEDS and generously hosted at their offices. IOE Secretary-General Linda Kromjong provided opening remarks and moderated the panel on due diligence.

The participation of more than 100 representatives of business demonstrated, yet again, that the issue of human rights remains high on the agenda and there was a stimulating exchange of views and perspectives on the topics under discussion. (Please refer to the programme in the side panel.)

Key takeaways:
• The UNGPs have been a true game changer.
• The implementation of the three pillars “protect-respect-access to remedy” will require ongoing effort from all stakeholders.
• Within this complex globalised world, it is unrealistic to be “issue free” – businesses need to respect human rights and, via mature due diligence processes, to remedy if issues occur.
• Business is required to “know and show” and, increasingly, to demonstrate transparency. This assumes maturity from all stakeholders, including civil society and NGOs – transparency should not be penalised by “naming and shaming”.
• The UNGPs are five years’ young and the world will not be changed overnight. Bigger companies who have the required resources to develop human rights policies are leading the way, but the majority of companies are SMEs and this group needs to be reached and supported.
• Governments are lagging behind in their development and implementation of National Actions Plans (NAPs). To date fewer than ten countries have fulfilled this requirement. Rather than developing additional binding regulations, governments as the creators and guardians of the rule of law, should focus on their duty to develop and implement NAPs.

The full report of the meeting may be downloaded via the link in the side panel. If you would like to learn more about the IOE’s work in the area of business and human rights, please contact Mr Matthias Thorns at

2 May 2016

2016 ILC – ILO releases long list of possible cases for examination by the Committee on the Application of Standards

Dear Members and Colleagues,

The International Labour Office has released the documents related to the 2016 ILC Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS), which can be accessed via the links in the side panel. This information includes:
• Letter from the ILO to the Member States regarding the CAS
• Preliminary long list of 40 individual cases (9 Africa, 9 America ,9 Asia, 9 Europe, 4 MENA)
• D.0 Document – Provisional Work Schedule
• D.1 Document – CAS Working Methods
• IOE CAS two-week workplan

We encourage IOE members in countries that appear on the list to read the Experts’ observations and start preparing the Employers’ position on these observations to assist the CAS Employers’ spokesperson in the preparatory work to argue the case in the event that it ends up on the 24-case list.

We would be grateful if you can send your comments to no later than Thursday, 19 May 2016.

Kind regards,
Linda Kromjong

29 April 2016

Dear Members and Colleagues,

Over the past several decades, there has been a transformation in the nature of work. In the past, the standard employment contract ensured that workers had not only jobs of open-ended duration but also legal protections from dismissal and benefits such as social insurance and paid leave.

Yet, since the late 1970s, that standard model of employment has been declining throughout the industrialised world while non-standard forms of work continue to expand. In most countries, labour regulatory arrangements did not anticipate these developments and have not adapted to provide protections to people in work relationships that do not conform to the previous standard form.

It is necessary to invent new regulatory frameworks and institutions that meet the needs of all workers and a new type of social safety net that addresses today’s labour market.

In order to further our reflection on this, the IOE invites you to complete and return the questionnaire, which may be downloaded via the link in the side panel. Your contribution will be vital in helping us bridge the knowledge gap and in preparing for our next EPWG in November 2016.

Kindly complete the questionnaire as it relates to your national situation and return it to me at by 1 July 2016.

Kind regards,


29 April 2016

Occupational safety and health specialists from companies as well as IOE member federations attended the first meeting of the GOSH in 2016, which was hosted by the Federation of Enterprises of Belgium (FEB) and Sibelco at the company’s facilities in Genk. Substantive presentations were given on the following topics, stimulating interactive discussion among the delegates:
• Sibelco Safety and Health “Going for Zero” programme
• The effect of Global Megatrends on Occupational Safety and Health
• OSH: The future of work
• How to engage with internal stakeholders to create a positive focus on OSH
• Travel risk management and return on prevention
• Critical Control Management: follow-up on the implementation
• Accidents reporting and management
• Leadership for growth

GOSH meetings are held under Chatham House rules to promote the free exchange of experience and expertise, and a brainstorming session was held in Genk for the delegates to identify priority challenges and concerns, and hence topics of mutual interest for discussion at future meetings.

SAP will be hosting the next GOSH meeting at its Sustainability Labs in the region of Lake Constance on 29-30 September 2016.

For further information on the IOE’s work in the area of Occupational Safety and Health, and/or becoming a member of the GOSH network, please contact Mr Pierre Vincensini or Ms Monique Depierre via the links in the side panel.


Mr Pierre Vincensini, Adviser

Ms Monique Depierre, PA to the Secretary-General

On Twitter (@ioevoice)
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International Organisation of Employers
71 Avenue Louis-Casaï | 1216 Cointrin | Geneva | Switzerland
Tel. : +41 22 929 00 00 | Fax: +41 22 929 00 01
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Dr Thannaletchimy Thanagopal