The joint third annual meeting of the National and local economic and social councils, topics under consideration were the latest analysis of four important
areas, such as the effects of the minimum wage, the effects of personal income tax
and salary contributions, assessment of the Macedonian pension system and the possibility of
establishing a fund for the promotion of social dialogue.
Four assays were prepared at the request of the social partners, the Organization of employers of Macedonia (OEM) and trade unions, SSM and KSS, within the project “Promoting social dialogue”, financed by the European Union and implemented
The International Labor Organization.
The key objective of these joint meetings,
to establish and strengthen the network for cooperation and
communication between national and local economic and social councils by looking
various issues of the scope of work of the Economic and Social Councils. In reviewing the policy part
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the presidents and members of SSM, OEM, KSS,
and members of the local economic and social councils. The activities carried out in
Within the project “Promoting social dialogue” intended to strengthen
capacity of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, as well as social
partners. Thus among other things, these bodies to institutionalize the tripartite
Social dialogue, which group includes national and local economic and social
advice by establishing cooperation with experts, receive useful information and
analysis as a basis for discussion and harmonization of international law
and standards in the field of labor law and regulations.
декември 28, 2021