Kick off conference for EU funded project “SME’s Export Accelеrator”

Kick off conference for EU funded project “SME’s Export Accelеrator”

Kick off conference for EU funded project “SME’s Export Accelеrator”
декември 28, 2021

On February 8, 2018 (Thursday) starting at 10 a.m., at the EU InfoCentre, the initial conference for the project “Export accelerator for small and medium enterprises”, financed by the EU was held. The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs and pragmatically contribute to the implementation of national strategic competitiveness documents. The project will contribute to achieving a competitive sustainable advantage of the export of the food processing industry and will help SMEs in internationalization, raising the export capacity and opportunities. The specific benefits of the project for the participating companies will be direct expert support in the preparation of the export procedure and documentation and other related export activities (analyzes, new markets, contacts with distribution networks, etc.).
The concrete results will include: Business analysis of export opportunities on the regional markets for the food processing industry, training for export of SMEs and technical readiness, new skills and knowledge for export; interactive web platform for export and mobile application; demo small projects for export of selected products from the food processing industry. The project has an innovative approach and will strengthen support for exports of specific products, thus providing a direct benefit for the involved SMEs.

“The need to initiate a single project is a direct response to the practical requirements of SMEs in support of their export activities and growth in the global market. We hope that this small project will show good enough practices for expanding such and similar activities on a national basis “, stressed M.Sc. Rosalia Karchitskaya – Vasilevska – Team Leader of the project
– “Micro, small and medium enterprises have a significant role in the Macedonian economy. Almost 80% of the registered companies in Macedonia are micro enterprises of up to 10 employees. If they are added to those from 10 to 20 employees, their share is increased to 83.6%, and together with small and medium enterprises they account for as much as 97.8% of all registered enterprises.
Although their role is often emphasized, in practice we almost do not have any measures and activities that will facilitate their operations or release them from certain obligations that they have, as well, as big companies.
With this project we will strengthen their capacities in the production, marketing and exit of foreign markets, we will increase their competitive power, thus ensuring their survival and future development”, said Angel Dimitrov – President of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia.

The project “Export accelerator for small and medium enterprises”, financed by the EU, will be implemented by the Organization of Employers of Macedonia (ORM) and the Institute for dynamic development SFERA-NOVA in the next 24 months.

“This project/programme is fundedby the European Union”