Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue – EU Project Progress program – Support for European social dialogue

Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue – EU Project Progress program – Support for European social dialogue

Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue – EU Project Progress program – Support for European social dialogue
декември 28, 2021

ORM as a partner started the activities of the kick-off meeting held in Ljubljana on 24 January for the project:

Strengthening of social dialogue in the sectors of retail, food industry and agricultural sector in Macedonia and Montenegro.

Duration of the project from December 15, 2011 to December 14, 2012 (12 months)

The project holder is ZDS Association of Employers of Slovenia and the other partners are ; BDU Bildungswerk der Unternehmerverbände (Germany employers), Sector Union (s) Macedonia (Agriculture Union and Trade union ), UPCG Montenegrin employers, Sector Union (s), Montenegro and Slovenia unions

Objectives of the project :

• Promote the implementation of the acquis communautaire in the area of social dialogue in Macedonia and Montenegro

• Increase awareness and understanding among employers and workers’ representatives to the European social dialogue

• Adaptation of social dialogue on the changes and challenges in employment and work, such as the modernization of labor market flexibility in working hours and social security, skills, quality of work and decent work

• Strengthening the capacities of social partners in Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro to contribute to European social dialogue

The objectives of the project are planning to be organize through panel discussions and round tables with representatives of social dialogue experts from Germany and Slovenia, through study visits to exchange experiences in Slovenia to producing a publication of the European social dialogue and the application of the same in Macedonia and Montenegro.

This paper was funded by the EU; its content is the sole responsibility of ORM and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union