Employer’s signatory to the Agreement for LESS in Strumica

Employer’s signatory to the Agreement for LESS in Strumica

Employer’s signatory to the Agreement for LESS in Strumica
декември 28, 2021

The municipality Strumica on 22 December signed the Local Economic and Social Council (LESS) from the Organization of Employers of Macedonia by Mr. Dimitar Popovski, the Federation of Trade Unions by Mr. Zivko Mitrevski and from municipality Strumica by Mr. Zoran Zaev.

Popovski said that employers will give their maximum contribution for active work and development of this council. Special thanks to supporters NETWORK-JES project funded by USAID assistance in the establishment of the council. The initial theme of the project is the development of skills among young people for better employment and easier integration in the production processes in that direction, “These local groups know better than anyone that challenges and opportunities facing the community in making changes that will benefit their members and create a prosperous future, “said U.S. Ambassador Paul D.Vollers.

As an organization we are supporters and incentives for the development of Local Economic and Social Council as an advisory body that are important for local development interests of the municipality on issues such as youth employment, the link between the needs of the labor market defined skills that employers and young people have developed during their formal education.